Message from Julian Gresser, 5G-International Legal Action Network re FCC and Declaration

Dear Colleagues, We are deeply grateful for your signatures on behalf of your organizations endorsing the Healthy Heavens Trust Declaration, which we will cite in the forthcoming FCC Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking on the blanket licensing of 80,000+ satellites and millions of earth stations. There is one additional step you may wish to consider: that is, to join the legal action before the FCC first as a Petitioner, and soon after before the DC Circuit of Appeals as a Plaintiff.

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États-Unis : l’armée s’inquiète de possibles interférences néfastes causées par la 5G dans l’espace aérien

Alors que la 5G poursuit son déploiement dans diverses zones du globe, l’armée des États-Unis ne voit pas cela d’un très bon œil. Le problème n’est pas tant l’arrivée de cette technologie, mais plutôt les fréquences que le pays a choisies pour le fonctionnement de ces nouveaux réseaux. Outre l’armée, de nombreuses autorités et organisations partagent les mêmes inquiétudes relatives à un risque d’interférences potentiellement source de danger.

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DC Circ. Picks Apart FCC Over 5G Wireless Safety Review

Kelcee Griffis, Law360, Jan 25, 2021 Law360 (January 25, 2021, 6:04 PM EST) – A D.C. Circuit panel on Monday appeared skeptical of the Federal Communications Commission’s support for its own findings that cellphones and other connected devices pose no risks to human health. U.S. Circuit Judge Robert L. Wilkins questioned whether the FCC properly cited two working groups under the Federal Drug Administration’s umbrella that are supposed to monitor the possibility of wireless harms, saying the FCC failed to explore how these bodies contributed to the record and to substantiate whether they exist at all.

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Today's Hearing in US District Ct about Wireless/5G Harms Case against the FCC

According to’s levels of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation around the 1 GHz frequency band, which is mostly used for modern wireless communications, have increased from extremely low natural levels before the 1950s by about 10¹⁸ times (1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times);compared to the end of the 1980s, it has increased by about 10 ⁸ times (100,000,000 times) (see graph below) The case against the FCC challenges the FCC’s current exposure limits for the public, which is 10 W/m2 for 30 minutes for frequencies 1.

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11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark 5G Case Against the FCC, Hearing Set for Jan. 25

11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark 5G Case Against the FCC, Hearing Set for Jan. 25 After the FCC last month found no evidence of harm caused by wireless technology, CHD and other groups sued — and included 11,000 pages of evidence refuting the FCC’s conclusion. The Defender, January 21, 2021 For decades, the public has been told there is no evidence that wireless technology is harmful.

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EHS in South Africa

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Disorder (EHS) is a global concern with the increased levels of WiFi and the ever expanding number of cell towers being built all around our living space. Bombarded by symptoms of constant pain, dizziness, and disorientation, Carte Blanche TV shares some unsettling stories of people experiencing EHS in South Africa in attempt to inform people on the severity of WiFi and Cell Tower exposure.

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