Message from Julian Gresser, 5G-International Legal Action Network re FCC and Declaration
Dear Colleagues,
We are deeply grateful for your signatures on behalf of your organizations endorsing the Healthy Heavens Trust Declaration, which we will cite in the forthcoming FCC Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking on the blanket licensing of 80,000+ satellites and millions of earth stations.
There is one additional step you may wish to consider: that is, to join the legal action before the FCC first as a Petitioner, and soon after before the DC Circuit of Appeals as a Plaintiff.
The reason we bring this matter to your attention is that our case will establish an important principle not generally recognized; namely that national and international security are far too important to be left solely to the discretion of political bureaucrats, especially when these same bureaucrats have themselves betrayed the public trust; and non-governmental organizations whose core Missions will be directly affected have a justiciable interest in being heard on behalf of their members.
The practical challenge we as litigators face will be the legal doctrine of standing. We must demonstrate to the FCC and the DC Court of Appeals that the Petitioners (and later Plaintiffs) have proper standing to raise the issues presented in the Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking. We are already making excellent progress in addressing this challenge and have enlisted the support of a number of organizations, including the Health Heavens Trust Initiative. Please note that non-U.S. organizations are permitted to express their concerns before U.S. administrative agencies and courts.
For Your Consideration:
If you would like to consider having your organization join the administrative FCC action as a Petitioner, or perhaps at the Appellate level by submitting an Amicus Brief, please reply to this email with your answers to the following questions:
1. Which of the eight domains of national and international security risk (see below) concern your organization most directly?
2. In what specific ways will your organization be imminently, tangibly, (and if possible, measurably) harmed if the FCC continues to ignore these risks? Please note: The FCC’s blanket licensing program includes millions of densified base and earth stations whose terrestrial health and environmental impacts the agency is refusing to address.
3. How will your organization’s core Mission be measurably advanced if the FCC implements a reasonable pause on its Satellite Experiment?
Please understand that we must reserve the final decision on your organization’s participation based on our assessment of what will increase the chances of winning the case.
We look forward to hearing from you, and again deeply appreciate your support.
The HHTI Legal Action Team